Engineering Services
The Engineering Department consists of professional and technical staff that oversee the planning, permitting, design, construction, and project management of water supply, treatment, transmission, and distribution facilities necessary to serve North Marin’s customers in Novato and West Marin. The Engineering Department also provides engineering functions for wastewater-related facilities to support North Marin’s wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system in Oceana Marin. Property owners or developers desiring new water or wastewater service or an upgrade to their existing service are assisted by the Engineering Department according to North Marin regulations.
Each of the North Marin’s three service areas (Novato, West Marin, Oceana Marin) have their own Master Plan that identifies long-range strategic plans for their respective water or wastewater systems. The Engineering Department uses these Master Plans to develop an annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that represents investment into the critical infrastructure that our customers use on a daily basis.
Customers who are looking to develop their property, whether it be residential or commercial, should contact the Engineering Department to request a project review that will determine if modifications are needed to the water or wastewater service. Depending on the project scope, construction of new facilities could be required. North Marin works closely with our partners at the City of Novato, Novato Sanitary District, and the Novato Fire Protection District to ensure that our requirements are in-line with other agencies.