Outside Boundary Service
The District serves the greater Novato Area and portions of West Marin with potable water service. The District’s territorial boundaries are established by a formal process that involves the approval by the Marin County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). Due to unique historical circumstances, the District does serve a few select customers located outside of the official territorial boundaries, including some located in Sonoma County. The District Board of Director’s has established official policy in regards to existing and potential customers in Sonoma County along the Highway 101 corridor:
Requests for connections to the North Marin Aqueduct to serve new development located in the Highway 101 Corridor and outside of the District’s boundary shall be denied. In addition, for lands within the South Petaluma Specific Plan area or along the Highway 101 Corridor which receive land use approval from the County of Sonoma and/or City of Petaluma, and which currently receive water service from the District, no expansion of water service (including both the amount of water historically provided and the number of service connections) on said lands will be allowed beyond that which the District has historically provided to said lands, as determined solely by the District.
In the West Marin Service Area territorial boundary, Improvement Districts (ID) were created to pay for and facilitate water system improvements and delivery of potable water. Not every parcel located in the territorial boundary is also part of an established ID. The District may at its sole discretion allow new water service to properties outside an established ID if the property fronts a distribution water main of sufficient hydraulic capacity. A formal annexation process and Board of Directors approval is required in those circumstances. See Regulation 1 for more details.