North Marin Water District Board Vacancy
(Updated December 8, 2022) A vacancy currently exists on the Board of Directors of North Marin Water District due to the death of Director James Grossi. The Board will appoint a successor who will serve until the next general election of the District scheduled for November 2024. Any registered voter residing within Division 1 of the District and interested in the post is invited to contact the District Secretary at (415) 897-4133. The area of the District generally includes the greater Novato area and the Point Reyes Station, Olema, Bear Valley, lnverness Park, Paradise Ranch Estates and Oceana Marin areas of West Marin. Please refer to the interactive map here to determine if you reside within Division 1 (Zoom in on the map for street level detail).
Applicants were requested to submit a letter of interest by December 2,2022 and describe their experience, educational background and previous public service and outline why they are interested in serving on the Board of Directors. Thank you to those who submitted their letter of interest. The Board of Directors will review the letters of interest and interview applicants at an open public meeting tentatively scheduled for December 13, 2022. The meeting will be held at the District headquarters located at 100 Wood Hollow Drive, Novato, California and the Board will make an appointment to fill the vacancy at this meeting.