Proposed Revenue Increases and Rate Structure Changes (West Marin Water Service Area)
(Posted April 30, 2021) The District proposes increasing the West Marin Water revenue and revising the water rate structure for fiscal year 2021-2022. If approved at the public hearing on June 22, 2021, the new rates and rate structure changes will go into effect on July 1, 2021.
For more details about the public hearing and the proposed rates and rate structure changes see the links below.
The key reasons that a 6% global revenue increase is needed are described below
- Continued investment in water facilities. The District must continue to make investments in facility upgrades and replacements that will benefit the West Marin Water System’s fire protection, water supply, and aging infrastructure. This will help to properly maintain the service area’s treatment plant, 26 miles of pipeline, 7 pump stations, 13 tanks, 3 wells, 168 hydrants, monitoring systems, and more.
- Impact of inflation on all costs. The proposed revenue increase is designed to meet all the costs of providing water service. This includes purchasing, treating, and delivering safe, high-quality, reliable water to your home or business without fail, every day and around the clock.
Reasons for The Proposed Rate Structure Changes
The cost for serving each class of customers varies over time because of changes in customer water use, state regulations, service costs, and other factors. The District engaged Hildebrand Consulting, an experienced rate consultant, to review its water rate structure for the West Marin Water System Service Area. The proposed changes to the water rate structure are based on the recommendations of the consultant and will ensure that each class of customer continues to pay their fair and proportional share of costs.
Dollars Saved
Cost control is a daily focus of North Marin Water District, which is one reason our West Marin Water rates are the second lowest when compared to other West Marin Coastal Retail Water Agencies. Here are some of the ways we have kept rates down.
- We participate in a local agency chemical purchase pool to get the best pricing available based on economies of scale.
- We obtained 57% grant/outside funding for the $0.7 million Lagunitas Creek Streambank Stabilization project.
- We obtained 98% grant funding for the $1.3 million Gallagher Well Field Transmission Pipeline Project.
- We reduced the number of full-time employees from 58 a decade ago to 54 today.
More Information About Proposed Rate Changes
- FAQs on Rates
- Mailed Notice with Detailed Information on Proposed Rates and Rate Structure Changes
- Low Income Rate Assistance Program
- NMWD West Marin Water Rate Study Final
- NMWD West Marin Water Rate Study Presentation
- NMWD West Marin Water Rate Study Workshop 02/23/2021 Video
Got Questions? We Are Here to Help
If you have questions, we encourage you to contact our customer service staff at 415-897-4133 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.