Recycled Water
Active Connections: 92
Miles of Pipeline: 16.7
FY 2019 Annual Water Production (Million Gallons): 191
Year ending June 30, 2019
Novato Recycled Water Expansion Program
North Marin Water District (NMWD) has expanded recycled water to increase sustainable local water supply reliability in Novato. NMWD designed and constructed new recycled water pipelines in each of the three service areas to reach and deliver recycled water to the maximum number of large users possible. The new recycled water system serves the North, Central, and South Service Areas of Novato (See Map links below) and currently has 92 connections, including 3 car washes, and makes up approximately 6 percent of Novato’s water supply. To help inform and update you on the Novato Recycled Water Program, see the following informational materials:
Novato Recycled Water Program Summary providing a general overview of the program and general information on recycled water
Novato Recycled Water Program Frequently Asked Questions
Regulation 18: Recycled Water Service
Regulation 19: Enforcement for Recycled Water Use
B. NORTH/CENTRAL SERVICE AREA MAP (North completed in 2012 and Central completed in 2018)
Map of North/Central Service Area
2015 Draft Environmental Impact Report Addendum
C. SOUTH SERVICE AREA MAP (South completed in 2013)
Recycled Water Truck Program
Recycled Water Truck Program Webpage
Interested in using Recycled Water?
What is recycled water and how is it produced?
Recycled water is a safe, effective and reliable new water supply that is available to help meet the future water supply needs of our community. Recycled water is highly polished wastewater treated to tertiary recycled water standards (also referred to as advanced water treatment) which is the highest level of treatment defined by the State of California. This level of treatment allows for unrestricted reuse in all recycled water applications. Recycled water goes through four treatment steps: primary treatment, biological treatment (secondary), filtration, and disinfection (tertiary).
What is the quality of recycled water?
The recycled water in the NMWD project will be of the highest quality and meets strict federal, state and county health and safety requirements. Recycled water is used in thousands of applications in sites throughout California and the U.S.
How can I be assured of the quality and safe delivery?
Recycled water treatment is monitored continuously and tested in a certified laboratory daily. The pipes and plumbing of NMWD’s recycled water distribution system are completely separate from those delivering drinking water. NMWD will ensure that no cross connections occur between the two systems.